I'm always amazed at what you bring in, cheryl. This was so beautiful. Mesmerizing. It reminds me of my house at christmas- we have colored lights that blink and I usually end up by myself just staring at them lost in thoughts. Since you don't have a photo up of your xerox project- I'll comment on that in here as well. It looked like something Xena would wear- something made by gods of the underworld, though- though the armor would protect her it's def. not happy armor- it's armor left with things un-done and said- like the dead.
I'm always amazed at what you bring in, cheryl. This was so beautiful. Mesmerizing. It reminds me of my house at christmas- we have colored lights that blink and I usually end up by myself just staring at them lost in thoughts. Since you don't have a photo up of your xerox project- I'll comment on that in here as well. It looked like something Xena would wear- something made by gods of the underworld, though- though the armor would protect her it's def. not happy armor- it's armor left with things un-done and said- like the dead.